What others say about the book
“Stefanie Stahl is compassionate, clear-eyed, and insightful, and her paradigm for getting in touch with your inner child puts your truest self within easy reach. The Child in You is like your own personal therapist that you can carry around with you.”
Lori GottliebNew York Times bestselling author of 'Maybe You Should Talk to Someone'
“This book is a revelation. I can see why so many people all over the world have found in it a path to happiness, self-love, and fulfilling relationships.”
Marci Shimoff#1 New York Times bestselling author of 'Happy for No Reason' and 'Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul'
“For anyone who goes on a personal growth journey, it is impossible to reach full wholeness without inner child work. This breakthrough guide is a must-read for anyone who is committed to healing, happiness, and full health. Stefanie Stahl offers effective strategies to help you trust yourself so you can live a fulfilling, authentic, connected life.”
Shannon KaiserAuthor of 'The Self-Love Experiment' and 'Joy Seeker'
"Stefanie Stahl has the unique ability to address both the mind and the heart in a way that is simple, clear and practical. Her books have helped millions to navigate emotional turmoil and intimate relationships with more maturity and ease.”
Vivian DittmarSeminar host, author and founder of the foundation 'Be The Change'