Free Relationship Test

How much closeness do you really need ? Find out which of the closeness-types you really are with my free relationship test

too close, too distant

The big relationship test

Maybe you know the thought: 

Actually you would be happy in your relationship – if the other person would let you into his life a little bit more. Or do you rather have the feeling that everything in your partner’s life revolves around you – but you would rather have more freedom. 

Am I sufficient as I am? Are my weaknesses endearing? And how good was the marriage of my parents?

Desires for closeness and distance play an important role in every relationship and can provide plenty of material for conflict. The following test will tell you how much closeness you really need – whether you are single, in a relationship or have the feeling that you are always getting the wrong person. 

Which relationship-type are you?

Do the free relationship test to find out!

The balance-artist

The over-attached

The closeness-escapee

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