I want my relationship to be harmonious, but when necessary I am well able to put forth my interests.Frage: I want my relationship to be harmonious, but when necessary I am well able to put forth my interests.
Frage: It sometimes happens that in harmonious moments with my partner, a quarrel can break out.
Frage: Sex with my partner is not as passionate as it was at the beginning of the relationship, but we are still able to enjoy it.
Frage: After the initial period of passion, I often lose sexual interest in my partner.
Frage: I often feel lonely in my relationship.
Frage: I believe that I am quite acceptable just as I am.
Frage: I often think of ending my relationship.
Frage: I have trust that someone can love me with all my weaknesses as well as my strengths.
Frage: Often I notice only later that someone's remark have wounded me.
Frage: I would like to have more closeness and passion in my relationship.
Frage: I inspect any potential partner very closely.
Frage: I often worry that my partner will leave me.
Frage: I'm happy to be around my partner, but I can well understand when he/she wants to do things without me.
Frage: My partner often changes our plans on short notice.
Frage: I've been single now for over five years.
Frage: I usually prefer down-to-earth partners who can cope with life well.
Frage: My relationship is characterized by a high level of reliability from both of us.
Frage: I often give my work and hobbies priority in a relationship.
Frage: My parents had a good marriage.
Frage: I need a lot of personal space in a relationship.
Frage: When we fight, my partner and I reconcile without being wounded or resentful.
Frage: It has often happened that I was unable to break free from a difficult partner.
Frage: I often wish that my partner would be more engaged in the relationship.
Frage: It is easy for me to open up to my partner when I have problems.
Frage: I give a lot of thought about how my partner feels about me and our relationship.
Frage: I often don't get what I want in my relationship.
Frage: After the first infatuation I often started having many doubts about my partner.
Frage: I feel free and genuine around my partner.
Frage: I don't like making compromises in a relationship.
Frage: I ofter have feelings of guilt because I can't love my partner as much as she/he loves me.
Frage: My relationship gives me a feeling of security.
Frage: I put a lot of effort into being enticing and attractive to my partner.
Frage: I feel 50 percent responsible for the success of a relationship.
Frage: There is a good balance of give and take in my relationship.
Frage: My partner often wants more closeness than I would like.
Frage: My partner's expectations often tie me up in knots.
Frage: I often consider the wishes of my partner (and of other people) to be more important than my own.
Frage: I often find it difficult to support my own interests.
Frage: If I'm honest with myself, I find that I let my partner get away with a lot of things.
Frage: Sometimes I am really turned off by my partner's weaknesses.
Frage: I'm annoyed when my partner makes plans, because I would rather be spontaneous.
Frage: My partner and I consider each other to be equals.
Frage: I would like to spend more time with my partner.
Frage: After I've been on holiday with my partner, I need some time on my own.
Frage: I get nervous when my partner takes a long time to answer my text messages.